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Site by TAG_Weasel
Game Name A decent quarter Game Date 12/25/2002 Review Date 01/05/2003
Map Gasplant Plain Rating 5 Reviewer Abe
Game Type 1vs1     DOWNLOAD
  Players Team Building Unit Control     Players Team Building Unit Control
Player 1 AK_Hermes A 5 5   Player 5
Player 2 BL4CK_Death B 5 5   Player 6
Player 3   Player 7
Player 4   Player 8
This game is about 15 minutes long. After that, it gets stuck and repeats itself for another 45 minutes. So lets look closer at that first quarter.

GPP means flashes, and this game is no exception. But we see two different ways of using the lovable EMG tank. Death sends his flashes early, different angles and different groups. Harassing, hunting cons and mexxes, you know the drill.
Hermes uses his flashes for defence, and seems sceptical about sending them off to unknown parts of the map. The result after about 8 minutes is that Death hasnīt been attacked whatsoever, and Hermes has tons of flashes patrolling his own base.
At this point, Hermes changes his gameplan to the opposite. He does a good old ctrl-W and points at Deathīs base. Devestating result and Death is only saved by his D-gun and a few missile turrets. Unfortunately, Hermes is stuck in the ctrl-W comand and keeps sending everything he has at the same spot over and over.
Finally Death manages to get some kind of base up again, and can secure his area with MTs while expanding slowly. About 20 minutes into the game, itīs a E vs W situaton.
After that, itīs just wreckage and explosions for the rest of the game where none of the players gain any ground. It takes a lategame BB to finally put an end to it all.

Main reason to watch this demo: The first 15 minutes are quite entertaining and shows why holding back your flashes can be a clever strat. Also, this is like an instructional video to why the crtl-W command is considered bad unit control.