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Site by TAG_Weasel
Game Name What NOT to do. Game Date 12/14/2002 Review Date 03/02/2003
Map Gods of War Rating 4 Reviewer Nano
Game Type 2vs2     DOWNLOAD
  Players Team Building Unit Control     Players Team Building Unit Control
Player 1 DeAdSY_Cruella_ A 7 8   Player 5
Player 2 neoDJrudefest A 6.5 7   Player 6
Player 3 FFAxTaipan B 6 5   Player 7
Player 4 neoTwIcE B 3 3   Player 8
D/L this tad if u wanna see some good bomb runs. Deadsy_Cruella_ does some nice bomb runs and has a good sense of building. He goes pels and uses them very well in taking out a lot of water units, resources and plants.
neoDJrudefest goes V/sea and supports Dead's air with a hand full of skeets. Then later produces about 8 cruises. All the while getting plenty of resources himself.

Team B is hurt pretty bad by Deadsy's fast bombers and spend a lot of time rebuilding their resources.
neoTwIcE........First thing he builds is a metal storage. Then 4 winds, a MM on a mex. Where was his brain I ask u. Where?
(mayB medication)

End of game comes with 2 ppl, neoTwIcE and DJrudefest getting a reject screen and dropping with DeadSY and Taipan getting their pards units.

Nice unit control by DeAdSY_Cruella_ is about all your gonna see here. The ending of this game is kinda abrupt and disappointing. But its in the list and the list needs to shrink.

Good reason to D/L. Learn some good line bombing and Team play Tactic's. (o, yea, and what NOT to do demonstrated in full detail by neoTwIcE)