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Site by TAG_Weasel
Game Name De_Termination Game Date 11/05/2003 Review Date 12/11/2003
Map Comet Catcher Rating 8 Reviewer _xMANTISx_
Game Type 1vs1     DOWNLOAD
  Players Team Building Unit Control     Players Team Building Unit Control
Player 1 N_EvilScott A 8 8   Player 5
Player 2 ARMX_NEOO B 7 8   Player 6
Player 3 THC_iggij_3 (watcher) N   Player 7
Player 4   Player 8
OK this is a BIG game. The ending is umm, questionable but game was so good it didn't matter. NEOO goes on the offensive first and catches Scott with all cons. Scott rebounds nicely and does his thing, spreading like kudzu. NEOO expands the best he can and the whole map becomes a battlezone. Great multi-pronged raiding throughout the game. Scott just out expands NEOO, has his com working hard on the front lines. At one point in the game, Scott makes a brutal raid up NEOOs right side. NEOO says gg, but Scott tells him he's doing well and he hangs tough. NEOO then returns the favor and leaves the left side of Scott's base barrren. Scott gets up a bb in the middle protected by a couple ambushers and com. Now he has the game well in hand, in fact his com seemed to strut! :P Well ya know this was a long game and in long games you have to be DETERMINED if you want to win! All Scott has to do now is mop up right? Check this one out guys. If nothing else it's a lesson in determination :D