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Game Name VeN0M_'s Revenge! (Apr11 tourney2 final) Game Date 04/11/2004 Review Date 04/14/2004
Map John's Pass Rating 8 Reviewer _xMANTISx_
Game Type 1vs1     DOWNLOAD
  Players Team Building Unit Control     Players Team Building Unit Control
Player 1 VeN0M_ A 8 8   Player 5
Player 2 GRAND_AYATOLAH_ B 7 7   Player 6
Player 3   Player 7
Player 4   Player 8
This is the final from the second tournament held on April 11th. VeN0M_ finally goes all the way! :P

Venom goes 2 winds, mex, air, bomber while GA(name too long to type more than once) does all 4 mex before air, then air con first. This enables Venom to do some damage with his bomber. The terrain throws things off a bit when bombing here and that helps GA initially.

Eventually Venom's bombers do more and more damage, while he expands cons heh. Venom for the longest time has only one mex at start point but keeps the pressure on GA regardless. Once Venom gets sea going this is pretty much a wash for GA, his goose is cooked but the game continues for a good bit and some entertaining things happen.

One funny occurence was when Venom scouted bottom left, decided it was safe to walk com over and take it coz there are only con vehicles and an mt or 2. By the time he gets there GA has atlased his own com down there and they literally bump into each other. Venom's com meanders back to his start point with his shoulders slumped :)

There are some good roach bombs and other fireworks worth watching as well. Not too often you see a com killed by skeets hehe. D/l this one, GA(who I'm told is ARMX_NE00)is a very good player IMO...see how Venom keeps him under control.
GG guys.