Well what do we have here, a game thats been sitting in the review queue for quite a while now. well here is its chance to shine, we have Beeky the cornwallian against Taipan the FFAx'er on Red Planet. we start off with the usual rp start with some wondering flashes and a con or 2 going off to suck some rocks and set up radar, cept with taipan playing a more defensive game waiting for Beeky to come to him then pounce back with his stored flash. This works quite well untill Beeky's comm does the marathon run around the map and clears up that flash mess ;)
Taipan now does something wierd and goes for an adv with only a portion of the map covered, letting Beeky expand alot and build up. He builds a MMM (Moho Metal Maker) and sparks it (shoots it with a missile to make it start prematurly at the expence of not being able to turn it off) ang starts a BB. This BB has a hell of a job to bring it back for Taipan, will it do it? find out next week on this channel.