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Site by TAG_Weasel
Game Name Core Vs Arm Game Date 01/06/2003 Review Date 01/07/2003
Map Red Planet Rating 6 Reviewer Space_
Game Type 1vs1     DOWNLOAD
  Players Team Building Unit Control     Players Team Building Unit Control
Player 1 RawDawgMiracle(divine) A 8 8   Player 5
Player 2 BTU_Dark_Rain A 8 8   Player 6
Player 3   Player 7
Player 4   Player 8
Dark rain, one of the best all time TA players. He still has it up his sleeve as he takes divine on in a 1v1 on Red planet.

DR going arm and mass flahses looks to take it to divine early and establishs a stronghold it goes down hill from there. Divine makes it look and last a while longer.
DR shows he knows how to use the flahses in a mass like fashion totally overrunning divine ac ouple key times. And with anymore preasure this game woulda ended a lot sooner. Divine throws up some decent resistence but goes mass gators which is no contest against any good player with flashes. He woulda imo been much better with mass sams and shutd own the early flash rushes quick.

overall see some nice rushing by DR and some good efforts by divine to make it a game.

*i found when DR to guard his Gaurd from certain death and make it last a long time, then reclaim it, rather impressive. Good uc skills shown there.*