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Game Name Different Game Date 08/19/2003 Review Date 10/04/2003
Map Gasplant Plain Rating 7 Reviewer VeNoM
Game Type 1vs1     DOWNLOAD
  Players Team Building Unit Control     Players Team Building Unit Control
Player 1 H_F_Vapor_ A 9 8   Player 5
Player 2 _FIve_StaRs_ B 7 7   Player 6
Player 3   Player 7
Player 4   Player 8
Rvd starts top left
Vapor starts bottom right
Both players use similar build orders, covering all 3 starting metals and then five goes for jeffies and flash, while vapor makes cons for 15 mins :D

Rvd takes both corners, and vapor is just outside that area with tons of MTs guarded out by his comm on the left and made by many cons on the right side. Vapor makes his geos fast and uses them to his advantage with metal makers.

At this point the metal production is about the same and rvd has way more land, rvd could have built a lot more but just threw flash at Vapor's defence without doing anything. Once Vapor has the land he wants he masses samsons and bursts through the top and kills rvd, game over.