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Site by TAG_Weasel
Game Name Your ally is not your puppet Game Date 12/16/2002 Review Date 01/03/2003
Map Gods of War Rating 4 Reviewer ACE_Erindel
Game Type 2vs2     DOWNLOAD
  Players Team Building Unit Control     Players Team Building Unit Control
Player 1 ACE_Valmet A 8 8   Player 5
Player 2 Wrath_BlueWolf A 6 6   Player 6
Player 3 RawDawgSnare B 7 7   Player 7
Player 4 Ak_Pandora B 6 5   Player 8
I guess this is one of those games sent just to show one thing and nothing else : dont direct your ally too much even if he's less good than you, cos very often you cant concentrate enough for 2 and just make a fatal mistake. This is what happens here.

So what's going on in the game. We have two expert players, Valmet and Snare, allying with 2 more average players. Val and Bluewolf are left, Snare and Pandora on the right. After a very slow start, and while all players are trying to build a strategy together, it becomes obvious to Snare and Val their ally arent as good as them. Val decides to just have a minimum trust in his ally and build enough stuff to do the major part of the job himself, while Snare tries to improve the gameplay of Pandora by giving her advices. A lot of them. A huge amount of them. It's like watching Pic reviewing a game for TADDS, if you remember. During half of the goddam game, all you get is no fight and markers saying do this, go here.
To tell you the truth it was the first time i just wanted to review a game with one sentence and forget about it, in case it would come back at night in a bad dream.
Sooo we have Snare trying to go pels and air with almost no metal, while Pandora builds a huge sea economy and idles awaiting for the next order... on the left Val does his best to go pels and air WITH metal, while BlueWolf plays his game and takes top, while building everything at the same time...
And the fight begins, with even more orders and Snare finally doing the fatal mistake : ordering Pandora to send everything far away from her base. Then the only good moment of the game comes when Valmet just eats Pandora's isle with Crusers and Pels in one wave acting like a huge Pacman crunching everything on their path. And the games over.

Overall, a game not worth downloading, it will just get on your nerves. Please dont send this to make a point, i just wasted 45 mins of my life here.

Technical facts :

Battle intensity : Null until 50 % of the game, then average.
Skill Balance : Teams were more or less equals, just a matter of strategic choices here.
Average Skill/Learning value : Low
Originality : none
Fun : quite the opposite of it.