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Game Name Boilers and survivors Game Date 04/08/2003 Review Date 09/15/2003
Map Comet Catcher Rating 8.5 Reviewer swe_abe
Game Type 2vs2     DOWNLOAD
  Players Team Building Unit Control     Players Team Building Unit Control
Player 1 swe_yzer A 8 8   Player 5
Player 2 N_Rick404 A 8 8   Player 6
Player 3 BTU_Canuckish B 8 8   Player 7
Player 4 rANDY B 8 8   Player 8
Nice 2v2 on the map I love to hate - Comet Catcher.

Everyone has a reason for hating this map. Unbalanced, boring, predictable, too much metal, not enough energy, never a good expansion plan or just too many losses. Make your pick.

The right side half of the map in this game, is very typical. Yzer down south vs. ANDY in the north, few raiding flashes and then LOCKUP. No one gets anywhere, just a double row of MTs and nothing happening. Zzzzzz.

On the left side however, Rick (aka Crip the canadian, banned guy) has trouble fending off Canuckish (canadian, not yet banned guy). Rick was playing like crap in the start actually. There, I said it. He got what he deserved and has to fight to stay alive.

Canuck keeps pushing south, but the survivor instinct or whatever it is in Rick, puts up a good battle. Reminds me of iWIN style, the worse the situation is, the better he plays kinda... uh, I bet you lost me there. Nevermind.

Good game anyway. D/L to find out if Yzer or ANDY finally brings some action to the game, if Rick manages to push back or gets beaten by Canuckīs growing forces.

PS: Yzer ainīt good. He learned everything from me and often gets lucky. Thatīs all. Donīt belive the hype.
PPS: That last part was kinda private. Achmed!